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Arduino Uno Online Practical Based Question
Arduino Uno Offline (Hardware) Practical Based Question
IoT Lab Assignment
About Lesson

Fundamental (Basic) Program

  1. WAP to display the AK IT SOLUTION

  2. WAP to add two numbers.

  3. WAP to calculate the simple interest.

  4. WAP to add, subtract, multiply, division, mod, between two numbers.

  5. WAP to swap the two number.

  6. WAP to swap the two number without third variable.

  7. WAP to convert the centigrade to foreinheight.

  8.  WAP to convert the foreign height to centigrade.

  9. WAP to add three numbers through the keyboard.

  10. WAP to calculate the simple interest using keyboard.

  11. WAP to add, subtract, multiply, division, mod between two number using keyboard.

  12. WAP to swap two number with third variable using keyboard.

  13. WAP to swap the two number without third variable using keyboard.

  14. WAP to find the ASCII number using keyboard.

  15. WAP to find the ASCII character using keyboard.

  16. WAP to calculate the area of circle using keyboard.

  17. WAP to demonstrate the various increment and decrement operator in c language

  18. Ramesh basic salary is input through the keyboard. His DA is 40% of basic salary and HRA is 20% of basic salary. WAP to calculate his gross salary.

  19. The distance between two cities (in KM) is input through the keyboard. WAP to convert and print this distance in meter,feet,inch, and cm.

  20. The length and width of rectangle and redius of circle are input through the keyboard. WAP to calculate the area and perimeter of the rectangle and the area and circumference of the circle.

  21. If the total selling price of 15 item and the total profit earned on them is input through the keyboard. WAP to find the cost price of them.


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