Difference between List & Tuple:-
Sr. No. |
List |
Tuple |
1 |
लिस्ट को square brackets [ ] के अन्दर रखते हैं |
Tuple को parentheses ( ) के अन्दर रखते हैं |
2 |
List mutable होता है |
Tuple immutable होता है |
3 |
List को read and write कहा जाता है |
Tuple को read only कहा जाता है |
4 |
List mutable है जिसमें individual item or entire item को replace किया जा सकता है |
Tuple immutable है जैसे string |
5 |
List heterogeneous datatype को used करती है |
Tuple homogeneous & heterogeneous दोनों datatype को hold करता है |
6 |
List is slower for iterating element |
Tuple list की अपेक्षा faster होता है |
Difference between List & Tuple:-
Sr. No. |
List |
Tuple |
1 |
The list is placed inside square brackets [ ] |
Tuple is placed inside parentheses ( ) |
2 |
List is mutable |
Tuple is immutable |
3 |
List is called read and write |
Tuple is called read only |
4 |
List is mutable in which individual item or entire item can be replaced. |
Tuple is immutable like string |
5 |
List uses heterogeneous datatype |
Tuple holds both homogeneous & heterogeneous datatypes. |
6 |
List is slower for iterating element |
Tuple is faster than list |