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Conditional Statements/Selection Statement
Conditional and Iterative Statements Lab Assignment
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if-elif-else statements Assignment

Queston 1:- wap to print number is positive, negative or zero.

Question 2:- wap to check number is greater, smaller or equal.

Question 3:- wap to print grade of student. (Percentage accept from the user)

Question 4:- wap to calculate electricity bill (unit accept from users)

Question 5:- wap to calculate tax of the employee.

Question 6:- wap to enter  week number (1 to 7) to print week day.

Question 7:- wap to enter month number (1 to 12) to print month name.

Question 8:- wap to find greatest number between 3 numbers.

Question 9:- wap to determine whether an entered character is vowel or not.

Question 10:- wap to enter any character is in lower case then convert it into upper case and if it is upper case then convert it into lower case.

Question 11:- wap to check whether enter character is vowel or consonant.

Question 12:- wap to enter the marks of a student in five subject. Then calculate the total, average, percentage and display the grade obtained by the student.

If per>=85                                          then S grade

If per >=75 and per <85                    then A grade

If per >=65 and per<75                     then B grade

If per>=55 and per <65                     then C grade

If per>=50 and per <55                     then D grade

If per <50                                          then F grade

Question 13:- wap to enter three numbers and print numbers in ascending order.

Question 14:- wap to enter three numbers and print numbers in descending order.

Question 15:- wap to check character is alphabetic character or not.

Question 16:- wap in python to compute a sales person’s commission based on the following table.

Amount of sales

Commission rate (% of sales)

Less than Rs. 500


Rs. 500 or more, but less than 5000


Rs. 5000 and above



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