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Arduino Uno Online Practical Based Question
Arduino Uno Offline (Hardware) Practical Based Question
IoT Lab Assignment
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Arduino Uno  Online Practical Based Question


    1. WAP to blink single LED ,on Arduino Board.

    2. WAP to blink single LED light on Arduino Board with variable.

    3. WAP to blink multiple LED light on Arduino Board without variable.

    4. WAP to blink multiple LED light with variable.

    5. WAP to blink single LED light on breadboard.

    6. WAP to blink multiple LED light upon breadboard.

    7. Wap to blink single LED through breadboard using register.

    8. Wap to blink multiple LED through breadboard using register.

    9. Wap to blink two or three LED and also print msg ON/OFF on Serial Monitor.

    10. Wap to blink LED when User Input name (String) of LED.

    11. Wap to blink LED when User Input character of LED.

    12. Wap to blink 3 LED using Switch case.

    13. Wap Open the Serial monitor and send any character. The characters a, b, c, d, e and f will turn on LEDs. Any other character will turn the LEDs off

    14. Wap to blink multiple LED using switch & for loop.

    15. Wap to blink multiple LED at a time using Array.

    16. Wap to blink multiple LED one by one using Array.

    17. Wap to blink multiple led in sequence, then in reverse using Array.

    18. Wap to blink multiple LED using function.

    19. Wap to print any message on serial monitor using while, do-while, for loop.

    20. Wap to Light multiple LEDs in sequence, then in reverse using For Loop Iteration.

    21. Wap to Light multiple LEDs in odd sequence, then in reverse using For Loop Iteration.

    22. Wap to Light multiple LEDs in patterns using For Loop Iteration

    23. WAP to blink default light emitting diode (LED) in Arduino Board with the delay of 2 second.

    24. WAP to interface LED on pin no.10,11,12,13 and blink alternative at the delay of 2 second.

    25. WAP to run pattern (s) on LEDs connect at pin 10,11,12,13.

    26. Wap to blink multiple LED through slide switch.

    27. Wap to blink LED through push button.

    28. Wap to blink LED only Two times when press the push button.

    29. Wap to blink LED only Two Seconds when press the push button.

    30. Wap to blink led of number of times how many time press the push button

    31. Wap for toggled LED with push button.

    32. Turning LEDs ON or OFF based on two Buttons

    33. Wap to blink fade in fade out led through for loop

    34. Wap to blink fade in fade out with single LED.

    35. Wap to blink fade in fade out with multiple LED.

    36. Wap to blink RGB LED.

    37. WAP to blink RGB LED on breadboard with push button

    38. Wap to print potentiometer value on Serial Monitor

    39. Wap to print potentiometer value after changing the map function on Serial Monitor

    40. Wap to blink multiple led according to potentiometer value after changing the map function.

    41. Wap to control the brightness of LED with potentiometer.

    42. Wap to blink two led according to low & high value of potentiometer.

    43. Wap to produce buzzer sound.

    44. Wap to produce buzzer sound with push button.

    45. WAP to give output to buzzer and LED using breadboard. (Pushbutton-toggled)

    46. wap to interface buzzer with arduino board to buzz on/off with the delay of 2 sec.

    47. WAP to interface LED and buzzer with arduino board so that buzzer is put on whenever LED is on. And buzzer is put off when LED is off.

    48. WAP to interface button, buzzer and LED whenever the button is pressed the buzzer giver beep for 100ms and LED status is toggled.

    49. Wap to control buzzer through Potentiometer.

    50. Write a program to interface LDR value on Serial Monitor with text msg.

    51. Write a program to interface Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and LED with Arduino board. Whenever there is sufficient light falls on LDR the LED is off and when there is dark around LDR the LED is put on.

    52. Write a program to interface Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) and display the values read on the Serial monitor after delay of 2 seconds each.

    53. Turning Buzzer ON or OFF based on LDR data.

    54. Write a program to interface LDR using Relay, Bulb, buzzer, led.

    55. Wap to interface Motion Sensor (PIR) on Serial Monitor.

    56. Wap turn on LED if the motion is detected & turn off LED if the motion is not detected.

    57. Wap turn on buzzer if the motion is detected & turn off buzzer if the motion is not detected.

    58. Write a program to interface Motion Sensor for Turn on AC Bulb with Relay.

    59. Wap to Interfacing Ultrasonic Distance Sensor value on Serial Monitor.

    60. Wap to turn on led when object is close to ultrasonic sensor & turn off led when object is far from ultrasonic sensor.

    61. Wap to turn on buzzer when object is close to ultrasonic sensor & turn off buzzer when object is far from ultrasonic sensor.

    62. Write a program to interface Ultrasonic Sensor for Turn on AC Bulb with Relay.

    63. Wap to use temperature sensor on Serial Monitor.

    64. Wap to use temperature sensor with LED.

    65. Wap to use gas/smoke sensor with LED & buzzer.

    66. Wap to use soil moisture sensor using two led and print the value on Serial Monitor.

    67. Wap to use soil moisture sensor and blink multiple led with different-2 value with different led.

    68. Wap to use force sensor with LED & Buzzer.

    69. Wap to use Tilt sensor with LED & buzzer.

    70. Wap to interface SPDT Relay with 220W bulb.

    71. Wap to interface SPDT Relay with bulb and Battery.

    72. Wap to interface SPDT Relay, Two 220W bulb with Potentiometer.

    73. Wap to use DC Motor.

    74. Wap to interface DC Motor with forward & reverse direction.

    75. Wap to interface DC Motor with forward & reverse direction and stop.

    76. Wap to interface DC Motor control speed of forward and reverse direction.

    77. Wap to interface Two DC Motor control speed of forward and reverse direction.

    78. Wap to use Servo Motor.

    79. Wap to use single digit 7 segment LED display using array.

    80. Wap to use single digit 7 segment LED and display the digit.

    81. Wap to use single digit 7 segment LED and display the digit using switch case.

    82. Wap to use single digit 7 segment LED and display the digit 9 to 0

    83. Wap to use single digit 7 segment LED and display the digit 0 to 9 and 9 to 0.

    84. Wap to use single digit 7 segment LED and display the digit 0 to 9 using shift register

    85. Wap to use double 7 segment LED and display the digit 00 to 9 9 using shift register

    86. Wap to use 4*4 hex keypad on serial monitor.

    87. Wap to use Password related door Lock System using 4*4 hex keypad.

    88. Wap to print hello world on 16×2 LCD.

    89. Wap to blink the text (AKHILESH) on 16×2 LCD.

    90. Wap to print the counter on 16×2 LCD.

    91. Wap to scroll the text (left to right & right to left) on 16×2 LCD.

    92. Wap to display button count on 16×2 LCD.

    93. Wap to print ultrasonic distance on 16×2 LCD.

    94. Wap to print temperature on 16×2 LCD.

    95. Wap to print AK IT SOLUTION on I2C LCD.

    96. Wap to use keypad using I2C LCD.

    97. Wap to use door lock system with password using keypad & I2C LCD.


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