Important Notice:

Course Content
Introduction To Computer (Chapter-1) M1-R5.1/CCC
About Lesson

Generation of Computer:-

1.    First Generation:- (1946-1954)

© Vacuum Tube used (1906 – John Ambrose fleming)

© Machine Language used

i. ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator) – 1946, By John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert

ii. EDVAC(Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer) – 1950

iii. Mark I – 1944

iv. EDSAC(Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer) – 1949, By M.V. Wilkes

v. UNIVAC 1 (Universal Automatic Computer) – 1951, By John Mauchly and Presper Eckert

vi. IBM-650

vii. IBM-701


2.    Second Generation:- (1955-1964)

©Transistors (1947 – John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, William Shockely)

© Language – Assembly language, COBOL, Fortran

© Batch Processing, Multi programming OS

i. IBM-1620

ii. IBM-7094

iii. IBM-1401 (mainframe computer)  

iv. UNIAC-1108

v. CDC-3600 (Control Data)


3.     Third Generation:- (1964-1977)

© IC (Integrated Circuit) (1959- Robert Noyce, JS Kilby)

© * High level language (Basic, COBOL, Pascal, Algol)

© Remote processing, time sharing, real time, multi programming, OS

i. IBM-360

ii. VAX-750

iii. IBM-370                 

iv. ICL-1900

v. TDC-316

vi. HoneyWell-6000

vii. PDP (Personal Data Processor)


4.    Fourth Generation:-(1977-1991)

©  Micro Processor, VLSI                    

© Language- C, C++, DBASE

©  Time sharing, real time network, distributed OS

i. DEC-10

ii. STAR-1000            

iii. PDP-11          

iv. Apple-Macintosh

v. CRAY-1



5. Fifth Generation :- (1991-Continue)

©  AI (John McCarthy),  ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration)           

© Language- C, C++, Java, Net used

i. Desktop

ii. Laptop            

iii. Note book                

iv. Ultra book

v. Chrome book

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