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Email, Social Networking & E-Governance (Chapter-7) M1-R5.1/CCC
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Types of E-Governance:-


  • G2B (Government to Business):-

           G2B model includes permissions, monitoring, evaluation, payment of taxes, procurement of goods and services by the government, etc. the business community prefers to carry out its activities online such as permissions, returns, sales, procurement, and hiring through electronic means.

  • G2C (Government to Citizen):-

          G2C facilitates citizen interaction with government, which is the primary goal of e-Governance. This attempts to make transactions, such as information search, land and property records, and payment of taxes, renewing licenses, applying for domain benefits, etc. which are less time consuming and easy to carry out.

  • G2E (Government to Employees):-

          G2E model is specifically inter and intra-departmental instantaneous communication tools for government units, either national, state or local government. Purpose of G to E model is to increase the efficiency of public agencies internal performance.

  • G2G (Government to Government):-

          G2G involves sharing data and conducting electronic exchanges between various governmental agencies. One benefit of this is cost savings, which is achieved by increasing the speed of the transactions, reduction in the number of personnel necessary to complete a task, and improving the consistency of outcomes.

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