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Responsive Web Designing
- Responsive Web Design (RWD) एक ऐसा Process है जिसमे वेबसाइट को कुछ इस तरह से design किया जाता है की वह desktop, laptop, tablet से लेकर छोटी screen वाले mobile devices पर भी screen size और orientation के अनुसार अपने layout को adjust कर लेता है।
Responsive Web Designing
- Responsive Web Design (RWD) means designing of website in such a way that the contents of websites automatically fit and resize that makes the website looks good on all devices (PC, laptop, tablets or mobile phones) wherever it is opened.
- Now a days, users view the website using different devices (PC, laptop, tablets or mobile phones) and the screen size of the devices differs from one another, therefore the designing of the website must be in such a way that it looks good in all the devices.
- HTML and CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) technologies are used together to make the website responsive.
- We can understand it by following figure which depicted how the contents of the website fits arrange and resize on various screen size: