Aliasing function:-
पहले से उपलब्ध function को दूसरा नाम भी दे सकते हैं
def al(): print(“welcome to ak it solution”) al() ali=al ali() Output welcome to ak it solution welcome to ak it solution |
Note:- 1. जब किसी function को aliasing किया जाता है तब एक function definition उपलब्ध रहता है लेकिन उस function को या तो original function name या तो aliasing function name के द्वारा call किया जा सकता है
2. यदि original function delete किया जाए तो उसके definition function को aliasing function से call किया जा सकता है।
Aliasing function:-
You can also give another name to an already available function
def al(): print(“welcome to ak it solution”) al() ali=al ali() Output welcome to ak it solution welcome to ak it solution |
Note:- 1. When a function is aliased, a function definition remains available but that function can be called either by the original function name or by the aliasing function name
2. If the original function is deleted then its definition function can be called from the aliasing function.