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Sensor, Actuator & Mictrocontroller (Chapter-3) M4-R5.1
About Lesson
Chemical Sensor:-

          Chemical sensor कई different industries में लगाये जाते है। chemical sensor के मुख्य उपयोग industry environment की monitoring और process control में पाया जाता है। जानबूझकर या गलती से जारी हानिकारक chemical पहचान, explosive और radioactive का पता लगाने, फार्मा industries और laboratory आदि के मामलों में भी यह उपयोगी है।

कुछ केमिकल सेंसर निम्न है।

Chemical field-effect transistor, Chemiresistor, Electrochemical gas sensor, Fluorescent Chloride Sensor, Hydrogen sulfide sensor, Non-dispersive infrared sensor, pH glass electrode, potentiometric sensor, Zinc oxide nanorod sensor.


Chemical Sensor:-

          Chemical sensors are used in many different industries. The main uses of chemical sensors are found in industry environment monitoring and process control. It is also useful in cases of intentionally or accidentally released harmful chemical detection, explosive and radioactive detection, pharma industries and laboratory etc.

Some chemical sensors are as follows.

Chemical field-effect transistor, Chemiresistor, Electrochemical gas sensor, Fluorescent Chloride Sensor, Hydrogen sulfide sensor, Non-dispersive infrared sensor, pH glass electrode, potentiometric sensor, Zinc oxide nanorod sensor.

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