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Conditional and Iterative Statements (Chapter-5) M3-R5.1
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while loop:-

       While Loop Simply Repeatedly Statements को Execute करता है , जब तक कि दी हुई Condition False न हो। जब तक Condition True है तब तक Loop Execute होगा।

While Loop को Entry Control Loop भी कहते हैं क्योंकि loop को Execute करने से पहले दी हुई condition Check होती है, condition True होने पर ही Loop में Entry होती है।

syntax :-

while condition / expression :


while (condition / expression) :     



i= 1

while i<=10:   

     print (“hello world”)  



while loop:-

     While Loop simply repeatedly executes the statements until the given condition is False. The loop will execute as long as the condition is true.

             While Loop is also called Entry Control Loop because before executing the loop, the given condition is checked, entry into the loop occurs only when the condition is true.

syntax :-

while condition / expression :


while (condition / expression) :     



i= 1

while i<=10:   

     print (“hello world”)  


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