Introduction To Web Design Assignment

1 / 117

Which of the following is used to read a HTML page and render it?
एचटीएमएल पेज को पढ़ने और उसे रेंडर करने के लिए निम्नलिखित में से किसका उपयोग किया जाता है

2 / 117

Which of the following is a web server?
निम्नलिखित में से वेब सर्वर कौन है?

3 / 117

Every website is identified by its unique name called

4 / 117

Internet is –

5 / 117

Which language is used for creating web pages?

6 / 117

A website address is a unique name that identifies a specific…………..on the web.
एक वेबसाइट का पता एक अनूठा नाम है जो वेब पर एक विशिष्ट ------------ की पहचान करता है

7 / 117

Which of the following device is used with an X.25 network to provide service to asynchronous terminals ?

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Protocols are
प्रोटोकॉल क्या है

9 / 117

Smart card is –

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The communication protocol used by the internet to transfer hypertext document is…

11 / 117

…is known as Father of Word wide web

12 / 117

GIF is the abbreviation for…….

13 / 117

Which of the following is a search engine
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा एक सर्च इंजन है?

14 / 117


15 / 117

The internet is the _____

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What is the internet explorer
इंटरनेट एक्सप्लोरर क्या है

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Which tag is used to identify the author’s name of the web document ?

18 / 117

HTTPS is a
https क्या है?

19 / 117

FTP stand for?
एफटीपी का मतलब है?

20 / 117

Server side scripts is
सर्वर साइड स्क्रिप्ट है

21 / 117

Which the formal description of message formats and rules to be followed by computers?

22 / 117

The internet user the ………….as the protocol engine

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Which section of the Web page will contain Meta tags ?

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How many different colors can GIF contain?

25 / 117

The Internet originated from the concept of __________

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A popular way of linking many documents was ---

27 / 117

Internet’s initial development was supported by
इंटरनेट का प्रारंभिक विकास किसके द्वारा समर्थित था

28 / 117

Which of the following is an example of a search engine on the internet?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन इंटरनेट पर सर्च इंजन का उदाहरण है?

29 / 117

a web site that we see or use to access information are developing in which language

30 / 117

A program that is used to view websites is called a –

31 / 117

Which files are more compact than the GIF files

32 / 117

HTTP stands for

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Servers are computers that provide resource to other computers connected to a ---

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Which of following enables the computers around the world to be connected together?

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A piece of icon or image on a web page associated with another webpage is called

36 / 117

The popular browser used to surf the Internet is ----

37 / 117

Software applications used for creating web pages and web sites is are called as

38 / 117

What is the full form of ARPANET

39 / 117

Which of the following is required for joining the internet?
इंटरनेट से जुड़ने के लिए निम्न में से क्या आवश्यक है?

40 / 117

To make your website mobile friendly, you can make your website

41 / 117

What is the abbreviation of HTML ?

42 / 117

What is the full form of TCP
टीसीपी का फुल फॉर्म क्या होता है

43 / 117

Which of following achieves the effect of using script language ?

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A collection of image that are part of MS office is called a -------

45 / 117

Local area networks can transmit –

46 / 117

www is used for

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What are shared on the internet and are called as Web pages ?

48 / 117

Cookies stores the data on

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-------- provides facilities required to link several related documents already stored on computers .

50 / 117

Which program is used by web clients to view the web pages?
वेब क्लाइंट वेब पेज देखने के लिए कि प्रोग्राम का उपयोग करते हैं?

51 / 117

Moving from one website to another on www in search of required information or service is technically called

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Which program is used by web clients to view the web page ?

53 / 117

Who invented www (World Wide Web)?

54 / 117

What is full form of URL
यूआरएल का फुल फॉर्म क्या होता है

55 / 117

A browser is a
एक ब्राउजर है

56 / 117

The ------ attribute is used identify the values of variables .

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The instruction indicated to the browser to display a document are called

58 / 117

Name anyone Web page editor program –

59 / 117

in www the computer which receives information is known as

60 / 117

The communication protocol used by the Internet to transfer hypertext documents is ------

61 / 117

www is based on which model?
www किस मॉडल पर आधारित है?

62 / 117

The primary colors are………..

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Web page editors works on a – principle,

64 / 117

The internet originated from the concept of
इंटरनेट की उत्पत्ति की अवधारणा से हुई है

65 / 117

A website is a collection of?
वेबसाइट किसका संग्रह है?

66 / 117

which language is used for developing static website

67 / 117

Once the email is sent, the message is broken into pieces called……..
एक बार ईमेल भेजे जाने के बाद संदेश है --------------- नामक टुकड़ों में टूट गया

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Web crawler has a web robot called

69 / 117

What is the tern for unsolicited Email ?

70 / 117

Which of the following the use of small programs that are executed based on user interaction with a web page is referred to as
वेब पेज के साथ यूजर इंटरेक्शन के आधार पर निष्पादित किए जाने वाले छोटे प्रोग्रामों के निम्नलिखित में से कौन सा उपयोग कहलाता है

71 / 117

This is an internet forum to discuss wide range of topics like current news, articles and current affairs etc
यह वर्तमान समाचार, लेख और समसामायिक मामलों आदि जैसे विषयों की विस्तृत श्रृंखला पर चर्चा करने के लिए एक इंटरनेट मंच है

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Which of following is the content of a document that includes text , pictures and links to other related documents ?

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Identify the wrong statements about “Cookies”

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What is the name of the location address of the hypertext documents ?

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Website means

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which of the following defines the set of rules that are followed by each computer present on a network

77 / 117

CGI stand for --------

78 / 117

Sending an E-mail is similar to –

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What is a spider?
स्पाइडर क्या है?

80 / 117

Server side scripting websites consists of two main parts, one is scripting language and other is

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The internet uses the --- as the protocol

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The process of connecting to the internet account is –

83 / 117

Which of the following is not a search engine?
निम्नलिखित में से कौन सर्च इंजन नहीं है?

84 / 117

A typical modern computer uses –

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Connecting website to backend servers, processing data and controlling behavior of higher layers, all these things are done by

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Transferring your HTML from one machine to server is known as

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Which tag is used to provide additional information about the page that is not visible in the browser ?

88 / 117

How many color names are used by the browsers?

89 / 117

The language that instructs the browser on how to display the hypertext and adds pictures to the document is –

90 / 117

Which of the following is a web server?

91 / 117

What is the abbreviation of HTTP?
HTTP का संक्षिप्त रूप क्या है?

92 / 117

----------------- Files are more compact than the GIF files.

93 / 117

A website address is an unique name that identifies a specific..... on a Web?

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What is the birth date of Hypertext Documents?

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Which tern is used refer to the computers that are used for storing web page as files?

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Which of the following is not a type of broadband internet connection ?

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Which of the following is not true with respect to a transparent bridge and a router ?

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ISP stands for?
आईएसपी का मतलब है?

99 / 117

front end is also known as

100 / 117

Who send the requisition foe web pages to the web severs ?

101 / 117

Which of the following is not a browser?
निम्न में से कौन एक ब्राउजर नहीं है?

102 / 117

Communication between two or more computer networks is refer to as

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Which of the following is not a class of LAN ?

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A network of networks is known as
नेटवर्क ऑफ नेटवर्क्स के रूप में जाना जाता है

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Which tag is used to identify the keyboards describing the site ?

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The -------- option allows the user to specify a location on the web

107 / 117

Who invented www (world wide web)?
www (world wide web) का अविष्कार किसने किया?

108 / 117

In the slow start phase of the TCP congestion control algorithm , the size of the congestion-window –

109 / 117

What is the abbreviation of WWW?

110 / 117

The two commonly used browsers are --------

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What is the name of the location address of the hypertext documents?

112 / 117

____ is know as father of www

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Which one of the following is not used to generate dynamic web pages?

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Who send the requisition for web pages to the web servers?

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A series of specially designed documents, which are all liked to viewed on Internet is called
विशेष रूप से डिजाइन किए गए दस्तावेजों की एक श्रृंखला, जिसे इंटरनेट पर देखना पसंद किया जाता है कहलाती है

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The first page of website is called

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ARPANET stand for –

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The average score is 58%
